Beyonce goes nude for FLAUNT magazine

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What famous piece of architecture might you most like to do some necking in?

The Louvre, or under the Arc de Triomphe. Paris is a beautiful, sexy city.

Millennials make up a huge part of your fan base. Thousands of them have responded to your Instagram hashtag #beygood to promote goodwill. How do you feel about the media’s take on youth as the “me me me” generation, or a generation of “slack-tivists” [people who are activists online but not in the real world]?

At my concerts I see the opposite. They are engaged in making a difference. We have collected tons of donations that will go towards creating jobs and helping people get jobs. That’s something I want to celebrate. For Chime for Change we raised awareness and over $4 million in one day for equal rights for girls everywhere. So many people at that concert were young. They are more socially responsible than they get credit for.

Some were critical at your participating in a Pepsi campaign after you moved your body for childhood obesity. Where is the balance between your career objectives and your philanthropy?

Pepsi is a brand I’ve grown up seeing my heroes collaborate with. The company respects musicians and artistry. I wouldn’t encourage any person, especially a child, to live life without balance.

When you work out, take care of your body, rehearse as hard as I rehearsed in the commercial, I think it’s great to have a Pepsi or Diet Pepsi when you want one. It’s all about choices.

What is your favorite kind of stain?


One piece of clothing you own that you absolutely couldn’t live without?

A white T-shirt.

You have always carefully sculpted your image and controlled public access to your off-stage life. Is there anything to envy about stars who don’t care about safeguarding their private lives?

I have chosen to keep certain aspects of my life private. But I also love sharing what makes me happy, especially through photography.

Is there a sex scandal in history that you find not so scandalous, and instead just kinda awesome?

Antony and Cleopatra. The legend of that love affair affected history and lives to this day.

A number of magazines list the top X number of ways to please your lover. Anything missing on these lists typically?

If you have to read those lists, you’re already in trouble.

What’s boring to you?

Lack of creativity.

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