Bryan Cranston Covers 'GQ' August 2013

Bryan Cranston is all suited up for the August 2013 issue of GQ magazine.

Here’s what the 57-year-old Breaking Badactor had to share with the mag:

On Walter White in Breaking Bad: “When I first read the script, that’s what struck me: I thought, ‘Tony Soprano, Dexter, Vic Mackey. When we were introduced to them, they were already that kind of person.’ But I’m not sure this has happened before: Where we take one kind of person—bright, depressed, just turned 50, dying of cancer—and say, ‘For the next two years, he’s going to go on the greatest roller-coaster ride of his life.’ Greatest meaning biggest. Not necessarily good.”

On frequently wearing tighty whities on the show: “I genuinely could not care less how I look.”

On relating to his character: “What happened to Walt is something I related to, if I’m truly honest with myself. I’ve come to realize that I think everybody is capable of that. If you came into a condition where you were under tremendous stress. And if I knew what buttons to push that threatened you and yours… You could become an extremely dangerous person.”

For more from Bryan, visit

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