Jennifer Lopez for InStyle April 2014

jennifer lopez for in style april 2014

On her love lessons:
"In the past, love for me has always meant forever and sure you still nurse those fantasies, but I don't try to force it anymore. I hung on to my fairy tale ideals for a long time. But where I am now, what I've been through, there are no rules. There are lots of ways it can turn out instead of just one. There are so many different kinds of happiness, not just the one you learned about when you were five years old."

On her never being single yet long:
"Look I don't love being alone. I don't. I can't beat myself up about that. What I have to do is figure out why I don't like it. Why am I not OK being alone? And can I be OK facing that?"

On her life and love wants:
"I've been through a lot of emotional ups and downs. But then you get to a point in life where it suddenly occurs to you that you don't need all the things you thought you once did - that's really, well, convoluted. My life feels overblown sometimes and I don't want it to be. I want it to be streamlined. So I'm living a much more unscripted life."

On her new album:
"This album is tough. I used to be all 'I love you, hearts and flowers' but now it's 'I love you but I am not going to let you take advantage of me.' There's a strength but there is also a humor. It's about being smarter about love - and not taking yourself so seriously."

On her body as she ages:
"I feel like I felt when I was 28. My bones don't hurt, I feel great. When I was in my twenties, I wasn't sure of myself. Now I can really stretch. I don't have to stay in a box. At this point I can say to myself, 'So what if I fall, so what?' I'm going to get back up."

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