" Mitchelle'l " The Society Daily interview

TSD: How did you get your start with Grand Hustle?

Mitchelle'l: I got my start w/ Grand Hustle via Myspace..  I was discovered by Grand Hustle's General Manager, Hannah Kang.  I ended up relocating from my hometown of Houston, to the city of Atlanta. From there, I began recording; performing; and further developing my craft..  I happy 2 now be releasing my debut single entitled, "Irene".  It features MMG artist, Wale

TSD: How did the song "Irene" come about?

Mitchelle'l: The concept of "Irene" was a concept that had been in the back of my mind 4 quite some time..  Coming fresh off of the Young Jeezy TM-103 feature, "Higher Learning", Hannah thought that it would be a good idea 2 make something similar 4 myself..  So I revisited the "Me, Myself, and Irene" concept on a "smoked-out track" produced by Lil C and J Pilot of Gutta Muzik.

TSD: What was it like working with Omar Epps?

Mitchelle'l: I was introduced 2 Omar Epps by my manager, Hannah Kang..  She has been friends w/ both Omar and his wife Kiesha Epps (Of the 90's Badboy group Total) for many years..  Omar had heard some of my music and was interested in doing some work together. I had just finished a rough version of "Irene", which he thought we could rework and make even better..  And w/ the help of fellow writer, Natalie Simms, that's just what we did.

TSD: How would you describe your music for the public audience if they have never seen or heard you before?

Mitchelle'l: The 1st word that comes to my mind when describing my music is, "soulful".  Other words that have been used 2 describe it would be; smooth; sexy; authentic; and classic.  My sound draws in a lot of the older heads, and my concepts/wordplay draws in a lot of the younger heads.

TSD: What made you first realize you wanted to pursue a career in music?
Mitchelle'l: Music runs deeply on my momma's side of the family. At the age of 16 I performed the song, "Lately" (Jodeci version) at a family gathering. Only a couple of people in my family even knew that I could sing at the time. Needless 2 say, they were equally shocked as impressed..  It was both the positive reinforcement I received and the "high" that it gave me, that let me know.....This is what I wanna do.
TSD: What can people expect to see at your live performance?
Mitchelle'l: When attending one of my live shows, u can expect just that....A live show!!!  Which means I will be accompanied by a live band..  And of course, u can expect a whole lot of "sangin'" 2 go along w/ that.. lol.  Sometimes u might feel like laughin'.. Sometimes u might feel like cryin'..  And sometimes u might feel like screamin' & shoutin'..  But one thing u will surely do is, "Feel"
TSD: What do you think your “biggest break” or “greatest opportunity” has been so far in your musical career?
Mitchelle'l: Not quite sure what the biggest moment has been thus far..  But I know that I consider myself highly blessed 2 be having ANY of these moments..Being featured on T.I.'s  "No Mercy" album ("How Life Changed") alongside the legend that is Scarface, was definitely a big moment 4 me..  Another big moment 4 me was being featured on Young Jeezy's "TM-103" album ("Higher Learning") alongside Snoop Dogg & Devin The Dude..  But I guess both of those moments have lead up 2 my latest accomplishment..  And that is releasing my debut single "Irene" featuring MMG artist, Wale.
TSD: How much creative control do you have over your own music?
Mitchelle'l: I have %100 creative control of my work..  However, I have been blessed enough 2 have a great team of people behind me who's judgement I trust..  So I'm always open 2 constructive criticism and direction from them as well..
TSD: What has been the biggest challenge for you?
Mitchelle'l: No one particular challenge stands out 2 me..  The whole pursuit of success in this crazy industry is just one big challenge in itself. But it's a challenge that I am in the process of achieving as we speak
TSD: If you had the opportunity to change something about the music industry what would it be?
Mitchelle'l: I never waste time thinking about what kind of changes I'd like the music industry 2 make.  I'm too busy tryin' 2 make a way 4 myself within that industry.  My theory is 2 first become successful in that industry, and then BE the change that u wish 2 see in that industry..  That goes 4 any industry.
TSD: Art and Music has an impact on both young and old.  Everyone loves a celebrity, so what advice do you have for the youth of today?
Mitchelle'l: My advice 2 the youth is too come up w/ your own definition of what is, "cool".  Even if it goes against what is 2 be considered, "the norm".  Do what works 4 u, and don't have it dictated 2 u by anyone..  And once u have come up w/ your own definition of what "cool" is.......BE that.  Because ultimately, I feel that being "cool" is being true 2 yourself.
TSD: Do you have other interests or talents you would like to share with us?  How do you like to enjoy your relaxation time away from the music?
Mitchelle'l: B4 I began 2 focus my energies on music, my 1st love was basketball..  I still play from time 2 time..  My jumpshot is still ice-water.. lol.  But what I really like 2 do is travel..  I love experiencing new places & cultures.
TSD: Does anyone in particular influence your artistic/musical talent?
Mitchelle'l: My music is influenced by a number of factors..  First and foremost, I have 2 remain true 2 myself..  I was raised on soulful legends of the past..  But it's my life experiences that help 2 make that sound relatable 2 the people of today..  Also, unlike a lot of my soul-predecessors, I am inspired by hip-hop..  So that's another element that I blend in 2 make my sound work w/ what's going on today.. And over all, the feedback I receive from people helps me 2 evolve as an artist.
TSD: What image do you think your music conveys and why did you choose this type of image for your music?
Mitchelle'l: I don't really think about "image" as I create..  I just do what comes natural, and then let the work speak 4 itself.
TSD: What are your up-to-date performance plans?  New releases?  Tours? News? 
Mitchelle'l: I am currently performing in the Atlanta area..  We are also in the process of putting together a promo tour for the cities that have been supporting me from day 1..  "Irene" has only been out a couple of weeks, and it is gaining momentum..  It has currently been added to 20 stations and counting..  So request it in your city if they aren't playing it!
TSD: If you could perform with anyone in the world, who would it be? Why?
Mitchelle'l: If I could perform w/ anyone in the world, it would probably be Alicia Keys..  I believe that we would make some good music together..
TSD: What do you think makes you and your type of music unique from other artists?
Mitchelle'l: I have always been told that i have a very unique voice..  Once you've identified it, it is easily distinguished amongst others..  That along w/ my track selection, makes for a sound of my own..  That doesn't mean that I've reinvented the wheel or anything..  It just means that my lane is currently wide open.
TSD: As an artist, how would you define success? 
Mitchelle'l: As an artist, if u are able to live comfortably off of the profits of your art, I deem that as being successful..  With that being said, there are different levels of comfort.....And thus different levels of success.
TSD: Is there anyone special you would like to thank for making your dream come true as an artist?
Mitchelle'l: I would 1st like 2 thank GOD, whom w/out, nothing is possible..  I would also like 2 thank my family 4 the love and support I have received from them while on this journey..  I would also like 2 thank Grand Hustle 4 giving me the opportunity 2 what it is I do..  And of course, I would like 2 personally thank Hannah Kang for believing in me and putting action behind her beliefs..  Last but not least, I would like 2 thank each and every person that has ever supported me or played a hand in my success..  Love.
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